Bat & Bat-Mitzvah Dancing Contests & Games
Lee Waddell offers THE ULTIMATE fun when it comes to dancing contests and game activities for the Guest of Honor and his/her friends. The following descriptions will help you select which activities you would like to do.
It is recommended that you select at least 2 of the dancing activities (for the adults to enjoy as well) and no more than 5 game activities. Consult your Musical Host to determine how many recommended prizes to provide, as a result of the selections chosen. (see prize options for more information.

Dance Participation
The most popular participation dances include the Y.M.C.A, Electric Slide, Macarena, Cha Cha Slide, Twist, Swing, & Conga Line. Others are the Gator, Chicken Dance, Hokey Pokey, Stroll, Shout Theme Song (From Animal House), and Las Ketchup song. These songs are generally played to enhance dance participation onto the dance floor, but can also be used as contests. For example, prizes can be awarded to the most enthusiastic or best dancer to any of the above songs that are played.
Additional Dancing Contents
A) Instant Request Contest
The most enthusiastic dancer will be able to name his or her request when the music stops, which will instantly be played (if applicable) for 1 minute, until the music stops again for the next best dancer to name his/her song.
Average Time Of Contest………. 5 – 10 Minutes
Number Of Prizes Needed……… None
B) Follow The DJ
All participants face the DJ and match the dancing moves of the DJ. Be on your toes, because your DJ may “dance like a sprinkler, to dancing disco style within a split second!
Average Time Of Content……… 5 Minutes
Number Or Prizes Needed…….. At Least 1
C) Credit Dance
This contest is applied to 3 – 5 dance songs played sporadically through the celebration, in which paper credits are passed out of the most enthusiastic dancers after your DJ announces the next song as a credit dance. More than one credit to be given to a dancer per credit dance song. After the last credit dance is played, whomever has the most credits gets a prize!
Average Time Of Contest……… 10 Minutes Total
Number Or Prizes Needed……. 1
D). Swing Dance Contest
An old dance contest that is now new. For this you must have a partner. The two dancers will try their best to “Jitter Bug”, or “Swing Dance” to some music that makes you want to “Jump, Jive, & Wail”. Our winning team must remain dancing for the whole song. Those with the very best variety of moves will be our winners.
Average Time Of Contest………. 5 Minutes
Number Of Prizes Needed……… 2
E). General Dance Contest
Prizes are awarded to the “best dancers” to a particular song played.
Average Time Of Contest………. 5 Minutes
Number Of Prizes Needed…….. 2 – 4

1. Guest Of Honor Trivia
Questions that relate to the Guest of Honor are sporadically asked throughout the celebration. T he first person to raise their hand will be called upon, and a prize is awarded if his/her answer is correct. Since some guests may know the honoree better than others, only one prize per person is awarded for this contest. Between 8 – 10 questions with the answers must be provided for the contest by the client, preferably by e-mail or fax, 1 week before the event date. An example question may be: “What is Zach’s favorite subject in school?” or “What is Zach’s pet’s name(s)?”
Average Time Of Contest………. 10 Minutes
Number Of Prizes Needed……… 1 Per Question
2. Name That Tune Trivia
Participants are asked for find a team between 4 – 6 people. Teammates then vote on a team leader to collect a “Name That Tune Trivia” sheet and pen from the DJ booth, and lead their team to victory! The first 10 seconds of 10 songs are played (with time in between for the team to discuss secretly the correct song title and artist.) Upon completion of the game, the answers are announced, and the winning team receives a prize a piece!
Average Time Of Contest……….. 10 Minutes
Number Of Prizes Needed………. 6
3. Coke & Pepsi
This is relay race, mainly for kids, and usually goes throughout the length of the dance floor. It is suggested that this game be played on a surface that is not smooth, to avoid slipping. The object of the game is for the kids to choose partners, with each partner going to the opposite sides of the floor. One side is nicknamed “Coke”; the other is called “Pepsi”. The DJ alternates calling out either “Coke” or “Pepsi”, and the players on that side of the dance floor run to the other side, ultimately sitting on their partners knee. For instance, if the DJ called “Coke,” the guests on the “Coke” side would run across the floor, and sit on their “Pepsi” partners knee. The last player to successfully do this is out. That duo leaves the dance floor and game continues in this manner. To mix things up, the DJ will occasionally call out another soft drink, such as “Dr. Pepper” or “7UP.” If any player performs the wrong move to a flavor called, they are out, along with their corresponding partner! The last duo remaining is the winner.
Average Time Of Contest………… 10 Minutes
Number Of Prizes Needed……….. 2
4. Musical Chairs
This is my favorite game; it can be played with children and adults. The more guests, the better! Everyone brings out his or her chair, and the DJ will take on away. You start the music, and everyone goes around in a circle. As the music stops, everyone grabs a chair. The person left standing is out, and he/she takes a chair with them back to their seat. The Person remaining is the winner. Really a lot of fun, and adults love it too!
5. Limbo
Grab the limbo pole and let’s GO! Two folks hold each end of the stick; the others try to go underneath without falling or touching the stick. If they succeed, they go to the back of the line. If they don’t, they’re out. Every now and again, the limbo bar is lowered to increase the difficulty. The game is nice, because usually the littlest kids have the advantage, and it never hurts to have your 5-year-old brother or sister win!
6. Mummy Wrap
This is potentially a messy one, but we have a way around that! Kids team up in pairs, and each team is give a roll of toilet paper. One child is the “mummy” and the object is for the other child to wrap up the “mummy” as fast as they can without breaking the toilet paper! The first team to wrap the mummy the neatest and in under 60 seconds is the winner.
7. Balloon Relay Race
This game is quickly becoming the most popular game we offer; all the kids love it. If they’ve been to a lot of Mitzvahs, this game is a must. The DJ will ask everyone playing to get into groups of two. The teams will stand on one end of the dance floor. Each team will then be give a balloon. For the first “leg” of the race, the teams must hold the balloon with their heads and put their hands behind their backs. They will then “race” to the opposite side of the dance floor. When they get their they must stand back-to-back, and put the balloon between them with their arms folded in front and “race” back to the other side of the dance floor. If anyone on the team touches the balloon or the balloon touches the floor the team must start back at the last “leg” completed.
8. Hula Hoop Contest
Another favorite for both kids and adults. 5 to 10 people at a time will come to the dance floor and be given a hula hoop. On the command of “Go,” they will begin twisting the Hula Hoop around their waist. The last person to have the hula hoop going will be our winner of that match. We will keep going until everyone has a chance to do it once. Then the winners of all matches will have a “Hula Hoop Off” to see who is our ultimate champion.
9. Pass The Hula Hoop
We get everyone into a large circle. Each person holds the hand of the people next to them. The DJ will put one or two hula hoops around one (or two) guests so that the hoop cannot fall on the floor. Then the DJ will play a song. Each guest must pass the hula hoop to the next person before the music stops. If the music stops and you have the hula hoop….. Oooopppppssss…. You are out !!!
10. Hot Potato
Similar to Pass the Hula, but when the music stops if you have the potato the DJ will have you reach into the “bag-o-tricks” and pull out something to wear. For example: A clown wig, a funny nose, or wild sunglasses. This is great for the adults and the kids because there are no dance steps to remember or running around in circles. Just stand in our circle, clap your hands to the music and hope you don’t get caught with the HOT POTATO.
11. Golf Putt
This contest is what is says. The DJ will have everyone line up and take turns putting a ball into the “cup.” Winners get prizes for a “hole in one.” A Great activity for all ages from young to old.
12. Balloon Tee-Shirt, Balloon T-Shirt Game
This game is really fun and all the kids can participate for the whole game. The DJ will supply five XXXL T-shirts and a bunch of balloons. All the kids will get into groups of 6. Each group will pick a person to be the balloon person. At the time the person is chosen will put on the over sized T-shirt. The object of the game is to blow up as many balloons as you possible can and stuff them under the T-shirt while the DJ plays a song. They will have approximately 3 minutes to complete this task. The group with the most balloons stuffed will be the winners.
Popular prizes may include large candy bars, gift cards, or gift certificates to movie rental stores, movie theaters, or music stores. We recommend visiting Rhode Island Novelty or Sherman Party for excellent ideas at inexpensive prices.